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ACF : a new website

ClientAction contre la FaimCatégorieWebsiteDateMars 2012Share

An information tool in the fight against malnutrition

Our work on this project? Project management all the way to its launch.


How to unify Action Against Hunger’s actions and mission on a platform to provide all visitors with easy access to information?


The content hierarchy was reorganized. The design has been adjusted to align with ACF’s new visual identity, ensuring complete consistency across all touchpoints of the NGO.

After several months of work, this new website will now serve as an information portal, available and accessible to all. reaffirms itself as the leading information site on malnutrition, its causes, consequences, and how to combat it, so it was important to evolve it to make it more accessible.

It is with pride that ACF’s teams present the new showcase of their fieldwork to the general public. Designed by the company Smile, this new site offers modernized ergonomics to provide visitors with better readability of information, simplified and more flexible navigation, as well as greater intuitiveness. will also be a platform for the dissemination of multimedia productions (infographics, web reports, web documentaries, multimedia storytelling) and has been designed to be accessible from mobile devices.

You will find on more testimonials, more photographs… This site is a more faithful showcase of our work in the field. We have also created multiple entry points corresponding to each type of visitor, which means you can access content based on your browsing intent: journalists seeking information, individuals looking to apply for positions at headquarters or in the field, volunteers wishing to get involved in one of our missions… In summary, the information is better organized, and access to our latest news is direct. Furthermore, the link to social networks is more efficient, and content sharing is more evident. Now online, the site will naturally evolve over time and become richer in content,

Arnaud Fonquerne, project manager, explained. In the spirit of transparency and raising awareness about the fight against malnutrition, visitors to the website will now have simplified access to activity reports, financial statements, mission updates, and program details from the field. Thanks to numerous testimonials and videos produced by the teams in the field, visitors will have more direct access to the reality of humanitarian action and the daily lives of ACF program beneficiaries.

ACF welcomes you to

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