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Protect Aid Workers

ClientAction Contre la FaimCatégorieMobilization campaignDateMars 2014Share

Our work on this project? Defining and executing the online mobilization campaign.


On August 4, 2006, in Sri Lanka, 17 humanitarian workers from Action Against Hunger were killed. Following this unpunished massacre, ACF had to cease its operations in the country. How to mobilize supporters of Action Against Hunger the day before the vote of the Human Rights Council for the opening of an international investigation into the crimes committed during the civil war, including the tragedy of Muttur?


The day before, the online mobilization campaign (Thunderclap) had gathered over 300 supporters (estimated social reach of 160,000 people) around a common hashtag: #ProtectAidWorkers.

After a crucial vote and a struggle lasting over 7 years, the Human Rights Council finally voted to open an international investigation into the crimes committed during the civil war, including the Muttur tragedy. This is a major victory for the families of the victims.

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